Searching for documents in Docubase

Finding documents when you need them is crucial, and therefore I like to say a document management system is only as good as its search capabilities.

Luckily for us, Tessi Docubase® offers one of the most intuitive and flexible search forms in the business.

Every time you log into Docubase, the first thing you see is your search form. In any of the index fields, you may enter or pick what you are looking for from the drop-down. However what if you only know a partial value of the index field? This is where the use of wild cards can be extremely helpful.

These fields allow the ‘*’ symbol as a wildcard, so for example the search “v*” in the “ACCOUNT TYPE” field would bring back documents matching account types with “var” or vendor” in the hit list. Entering only the asterisk would return all stored documents.

If a user has multiple search forms available, they can find them in the magnifying glass on the left side panel. These can be sorted into groups by the users who make the search forms, along with a default group of most used search forms. There is also a setting to allow users to search by document or GED id, which are generated by the system when the document is first indexed.

The Hit List search can also be in two different formats, but I’ll talk about that in the next newsletter.

Remember if you have any questions regarding using Docubase just reach out to us via our website or email and we will get right back to you.

Happy searching! ~Omar

dbs Software & Services (dbs) is a long-standing provider of document management and process automation solutions for education and business, and the exclusive provider of Tessi Docubase® in North America.

Tessi Docubase® is an enterprise-grade modular, secure, and easy-to-use document management system that seamlessly integrates with Business Information Systems. Its secure architecture and a broad range of features make it the perfect solution for a wide range of enterprises and use cases.

dbs LiveForms, is a low-code Business Process Automation platform. Its sole focus is simplifying complex processes by automating repetitive steps – from data capture to alerts, notifications, email confirmations, and everything in between quickly, without involving a programmer.

dbs eSign is a cloud-based electronic signature solution that allows users to manage the signing process for a document, from upload to signing and sealing, from any mobile device or computer.

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