e-Learning Solutions (LMS)

Together with our Moodle Certified Partner ISYC, we offer an e-Learning suite of powerful software modules that take your Moodle LMS to new levels. Proven in both large and small deployments around the world, and backed by a team of globally certified Moodle experts, we can help deploy, customize, configure, manage and add powerful functionality to your Moodle LMS, and support you in all the phases of your e-Learning projects.

Customer Management Solutions (CRM)

Customer Management Systems (CRM) make it easier for companies to manage customer relationships. Together with our partner ISYC, we offer OnCustomer, a comprehensive all-in-one customer management solution that helps to establish, maintain and strengthen the relationship with customers and also optimizes business processes to help you achieve improved productivity and profitability. OnCustomer goes beyond simply a CRM and includes powerful business process management (BPM) and Document Management (DMS) capabilities, making it the perfect solution to help your organization win more business and be more profitable

Trusted by renowned organizations worldwide

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